Updating the Property Owner


Property owner information is maintained by the tax assessor’s office. They use the deed information recorded in the deed room to maintain tax records. Contact the tax assessor’s office at 770-822-7200 or visit their website.

A property may have multiple legal parties associated with it at one point in time. More specifically, if the owner of property as of Jan. 1 for a tax year differs from the current or most recent owner, both names will remain associated with the property until the following January.

If you receive your tax bill and it has the Jan. 1 owner’s information listed at the top of the bill, but the current owner’s information listed at the bottom of the tax bill, there is no need to contact our office to update this information, as the name change will not go into effect until the following tax year.

If your tax bill only lists the Jan. 1 owner’s information and does not reflect any of the current owner’s information, contact the tax assessor’s office at 770-822-7200 or at taxpayer.services@gwinnettcounty.com.


Updated 6/25/2024